Wind Bless
Up spirits Wind Chimes

The sound

The design

The affect

The Quality
Bring the blessing to your home and garden.
According to traditional belief in the East as well as the West:
- Wind chimes promote peace good health.
- Wind chimes brings good energy to the home.
- Ringing a bell before prayer or during meditation is meant to “call for the protection of the heavenly deities” and can help you focus your mind on the task at hand.
- Wind chimes Are used to keep the house from negative energy.
- Create an atmosphere of calm and transcendence.

Just imagine:
You arrive home after an exhausting day of work.
The weather is hot and you are finally trying to relax after a full day of runs and errands.
All you want now is a few minutes of rest, to calm down the thoughts that have been bothering you all day, and finally, be able to breathe a sigh of relief
Suddenly there comes a pleasant breeze
The sound of the Wind Bless wind chimes is heard in the air,
you surrender to the sounds and allow your body to sink into your seat.
You finally have a real moment of peace.
This is the real blessing you brought to your home.
How good it was that I treated myself to the perfect pleasure.
It’s good to be home.
The Best Quality Wind Chimes Money Can Buy.
Our wind chimes have a unique sound which is created through an original design crafted by Yosef Schwarts-Shahar. Every time the wind gently tingles and wafts through the chimes, a new melody will be played. This will help to create a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere for your garden or porch. This effect and design you will find nowhere else on the market – they are one of a kind. The reason for this is that they are designed and tuned in such a way that creates a wonderful melody.
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